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Marlon XPLORE PRO II Sled Decks
Myth or Reality?
For some time now, videos have been circulating on the internet. They show people trying to get their snowmobiles on their platform (Sled Decks), who are finishing their trip either on top of their truck cab or worse, on the ground. I must say that the videos are sometimes very funny but can be terrifying at the same time.
As a woman, I had to try using a platform to get my head around the feasibility and especially the level of difficulty of using such product. Chicks and Machines was proud to be partnering with Marlon products to test the XPLORE PRO II Platform.

Tips: Understanding the product to better use it
Immediately after completing the installation, I set the instructions aside and I mentally prepared myself to try out the new platform. The images from the failed trials seen on the internet are scrolling through my head and my heart got palpitations under all the stress. Under the eyes of my husband, I start my snowmobile, I take a deep breath and I successfully load my snowmobile on the platform! Wow that was easy!
Was it just a lucky moment, or was it just that easy? I decided to unload my snowmobile, which by the way is as equally easy as loading, to test it out again. One, two, three, four times, I practiced loading and unloading my snowmobile to and from the platform. In the end, I can tell you without hesitation that the XPLORE PROX II Platform is easy to use.

To make your experience easy, here are few tips:
Loading tips
-Stay upright on the machine while loading.
-Gain a little momentum before loading the snowmobile (this will help maintaining a constant speed).
-Always have one hand on the brakes and one on the gas.
-Line up properly on the ramps.
-Don’t forget to put the handbrake on after boarding the machine.

Tips for unloading
-The sitting position remains the most useful to unload the machine.
-Remove the handbrake.
– Always have one hand on the brakes and one on the gas.
– Line up properly on the ramps.
-Once you get to the edge of the ramp, let yourself down using gravity, and use the brake to slow down the process.
A practical and useful product
For years, my method of choice for transporting snowmobiles was the closed trailer. However, the platform was an option that seemed interesting and intriguing to me.
In addition to the maintenance costs of a trailer that cannot be overlooked, we need to take the costs of additional fuel consumption to tow the trailer into consideration. Another advantage of choosing a Sled Decks over a trailer is that you don’t need to insure it.
Additionally, the platform is much more versatile than the trailer. It allows you to get to snowy and off-road terrains you wouldn’t have access to otherwise.
Finally, as mentioned before, maintenance costs are virtually inexistent with the platform. To sum up, the platform allows you to get to your destination faster and do what you like best: riding!!

A big thank you to Marlon for allowing us to test this product.